5 things men think about other than sex

Sex sex sex . . . thats all we think about right? Guys? That's all we think about? Not true. There are several times a day when I don't think about sex. I do think about sex often but for the ladies that are fed up with dudes only wanting sex, rest assured that while we would usually like nothing better than to strip you down to your socks (yes you can leave them on, I don't want a toe-job) and make you scream things that would make your mother blush, we do at times like to occupy our minds with things that don't involve sticking our dicks in your lovely orifaces.
When I'm making money and a lady wants some attention, I make a quick calculation of how much attention she's gonna want before I can get back to making money. Then I have to factor in how much that time is gonna cost me. Once I have that calculation, I decide if the return is good. This can be subjective. Is this once-in-a-lifetime, toe-curling, ears-ringing, never be the same sex? And, if so could I put it off till I get done stacking these hundreds up? Example; a dude's working a minimum wage job and his coworker in the 4 to 6 range asks if he'd like to go out back for a quicky he'll prolly do it. On the other end of the scale I'm almost certain that David Beckum has told Gisselle to leave him the fuck alone, because he's got to practice for the soccer match. Proof, that at times men think about things other than the no-pants-dance.
Other Dudes
No homo. Just had to say that. This goes both ways (damn this is tricky). We think about other dudes at times in admiration, disgust, or maybe the choices our friend/brother/uncle is making at the time. The first one, admiration is like "Damn how'd be do that?" The bro in question might have gotten a hot new ride, a sweet new job, or maybe started a publishing company. We think about what he might have done and how we might do it, and this has nothing to do with your ax wound whatsoever.
Maybe we just hate a dudes guts. Whatever. You'll prolly never hear us say a bad word about him, but fuck that dude, y'know? So this also has nothing to do with talking you into a threesome with your slutty cousin.
Another way we think about other dudes is to look at what they're doing that we don't want to do. We might look at how bad his complexion is now that he's on meth, how much time and money he spends at at a strip club or maybe even what we could do to help the guy get back on his feet. And this has absolutely nothing to do with getting the tip wet.
This is a big one, I didn't have sex for two weeks after I got my Playstation. I didn't even miss it. At the time I was living with a really sexy girl. The same goes for movies, sure if wanna see how much boner you can fit in your mouth while I'm watching Full Metal Jacket, go for it! It's right here, and yeah, you may get me up off the couch and a quick pounding, before I watch the rest of it, but that's not the point. The point is you wanted my P in your V . . .or M . . . or A. I was watching a movie.
Video games work the same way, in that they give us that sense of being in another place full of aliens, dwarves, ninjas, or combat, that so easily replaces thoughts of your dirty bits in our faces. Good example: Modern Warfare, any of them. This works so well that many dudes go through their entire adolescence without even accidentally tripping over their Nike laces and bumping into a titty. When I'm in the zone and no one can stop me from killing all those dudes running around on the screen, pink taco is farthest thing from my mind.
"Hey, babe it's time for bed"
"Okay, let me get through this level". . . Ever heard that before?
Things I'd like to have
Yes sometimes your milk bags in my face is one of them but usually I'm considering the price of the newest pick-up truck, Mac Book Pro, Tag Hauer watch, that house on Entourage, the latest running shoes, or video game. These things are on our minds and none of them have the possibility of being on the receiving end of a money shot.
Self improvement
Before you say you know a man that that doesn't think on self-improvement, let me tell you, he does. He might not act on these thoughts, but I havn't met a guy yet who didn't have at least one thing on the list of ways he'd like to improve about himself. Fat dudes wanna lose weight, skinny dudes wanna gain weight, poor guys want to make more money, rich dudes wanna make more money, and crack heads want to get clean and get a good job so they can buy more crack. We always want to improve, and yes, most of the time these improvements would come with a side of more sex, but that's not why we want to improve. The realization of a long awaited goal gives more satisfaction than the best pussy on the planet. It's how things get done in this world. Napoleon didn't conquer the known universe so he could get his little french dick wet, he did it cuz he was the master of his universe and he could do what he wanted.
So the next time you think that all men think about is sex, and the only reason we even talk to you at all is because we want some of that little fuzzy muffin you got tucked away in your drawers, think about the following. If a guy sells cars for a living, most of the people he meets is gonna want to talk about cars, and most of those people will not want to talk to him about anything else. I don't call my local ford dealer to ask banking advise. So perhaps you should to think about the fact that maybe the only thing interesting about you is about six inches below your bellybutton.
I'm trying not to be judgmental, so let's say the car salesman likes his job and it fulfills his life. It's how he gets what he wants, and so every time someone brings up cars, he doesn't mind talking about. Does he ever complain about this? Sure but if he was truly unhappy he wouldn't be a carselsman anymore, he'd get into something else.
So if you like a mouthful of tubesteak, crusty sheets, and walking funny the next morning, that's awesome, I have several friends you'd love to meet and spend many sweaty hours with, but if your truly unhappy with men only wanting one thing from you, get into something else. . . buy an X-box.

See this article in ENTmag.net


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