The Veggie Diet

Diets are hard, so when Skitz asked if I'd like to go veggie for a week I said I'd do it. I thought maybe I'd lose a bit of the belly I've been gaining and maybe get rid of the nostril stinging gas that army food seems to inflict on my bowels.
The bad part about diets is that there have to be rules. Since the best diet is the one you can stick to, we made ours simple. We agreed that we could eat eggs and yogurt and drink milk all of which are usually included in a vegetarian diet but since they come from animals are sometimes also cut out. Other than that the plan was to eat all the vegetables, fruit, and grains we could get our hands on for seven days.
Also, to keep the fuck-it factor to a minimum we agreed that if we ate anything else (meat) we would skip the next meal.
One more factor that we didn't really plan out was that our work schedule would put us out in the middle of nowhere with around 200 dudes and very little food available for 5 of the seven days of our diet. To wrap it all up this shit's gonna get tense.
I know when I'm hungry I turn into a . . . well, lets just say I'm quick to anger and even quicker to tell you about it, while informing you of how little I like your face, your mother, and everything you've ever said to me. I must also state that, next to Skitz I'm pretty tame. . . and so it begins.


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